Eichler Photos: Blog https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog en-us (C) Eichler Photos (Eichler Photos) Thu, 09 Sep 2021 03:32:00 GMT Thu, 09 Sep 2021 03:32:00 GMT https://www.eichlerphotos.com/img/s/v-12/u680851479-o174344413-50.jpg Eichler Photos: Blog https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog 120 76 Right There for the Taking https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2019/4/right-in-front-of-me There are cool pictures everywhere. Sometimes they serve themselves up on a silver platter. "Here! Here, take this," says the breathtaking sunset. Other times, it takes a hike, standing out in a blizzard, getting consumed by mosquitos, waking up at the crack before dawn or getting really muddy. Then, there are the times when you put yourself in danger or harm.  I have gotten far too close to bears, tigers and bison “to get the shot.” I’ve sprained ankles, severely strained muscles, poked eyes, stared up at the sun too long, banged my head, and slid down a steep hill on my ass. Several times.


Today, I’m thinking about the everyday, routine photo that is there for the taking if you literally stop to take it. These three pictures were taken on a perfect Spring day in the Rockies. My wife, Diane, and I were out for a drive, and as is usually the case, she was generously doing the driving so I could stick my head out the window like a Mastiff, tongue waving in the wind, sniffing for pictures. 


We came around a turn and boom, there this was. But in the millisecond, that it would have taken me to ask her to pull over, we continued on our merry way. I had always wanted to take a good picture of icicles, which is another way of saying I have taken plenty of crappy ones. But I didn’t say anything because sometimes I feel guilty for inconveniencing her. It’s her Sunday drive too and nobody enjoys finding a place in the mountains to turn around, driving back, pulling over and then turning around again.  Luckily, we’ve been doing this for so long, all she needed to do was read my body language and look at my face, and say “do you want to go back?” So, we can all thank her for these.


(Eichler Photos) photography https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2019/4/right-in-front-of-me Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:57:51 GMT
Where are the people? https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2019/2/where-are-the-people Once in a while, people ask me why I don't take more pictures of people? Easy. Like many photographers, I am an introvert. My camera isn't just an artistic tool, it is also my protective shield. Asking a stranger if I can take their picture is really uncomfortable. My instinct is not to ask permission because they usually won't even notice. That always produces the best image.

But when they do, they often look at me like I stole their soles. Ever since 9/11, and especially since social media, people have become increasingly paranoid about hearing that clicking sound. As if I were working for the CIA and building a dossier against them. Of course, based on their reaction, maybe I should be?? 

As you would imagine, when I do ask, frequently the answer is no.  And the ones who do say yes can't help but pose or smile and act anything but natural. Picture ruined. 

However, if you ask a proud parent (because not asking would be creepy) if you can photograph their special snowflake, the answer is almost always yes. 

Once in a while, when taking people pictures, it all comes together. Like this little Dutch darling playing in an Amsterdam park.


(Eichler Photos) Dutch kids park people photography winter https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2019/2/where-are-the-people Wed, 27 Feb 2019 01:08:46 GMT
Small Things Come in Cold Packages https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2018/12/small-things-come-in-cold-packages Many of the big cat photos you see on here are taken at the Wildlife Sanctuary in Keenesburg, CO. Located about 40 miles from Downtown Denver, the 789 acre Sanctuary was created in 1980 to provide a world-class home to animals that were illegally imported, illicitly raised or stupidly bred to be pets, with complete disregard for the well being of the animals. This is no zoo or theme park. But that's not to say it isn't an incredible place to see and learn about these animals. A raised bridge runs for more than a mile across the length of the Sanctuary affording views and proximity rarely available, especially with Lions and Tigers and Bears. Oh my. 

I went out to the Sanctuary a few weeks ago to catch some sunset pictures. As always, I had big cats on the brain. The wind chill was -5 and the park was closing. All the lions were huddled next to heaters in their indoor enclosure. I don't know where the Tigers were but safe to say it was also climate controlled. And then I saw this little lady posing for my camera. It made perfect sense that an ARCTIC Fox was happy to hang out in the blustery conditions. I love these pictures for a couple of reasons. The soul in her eyes is undeniable. And, it's a reminder that sometimes the very best things really do come in small packages.  

(Eichler Photos) https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2018/12/small-things-come-in-cold-packages Fri, 28 Dec 2018 07:28:14 GMT
The Very First Blog for My Very First Photo Website https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2018/11/welcome

Everyone says I have to have a blog (all that pesky SEO stuff) but writing lots of words about photography just makes no sense to me. So instead, for each post, I am going to spotlight a few pictures that are either freshly-hatched or recently discovered. Your reaction to them will determine if they graduate to the "grown-up" galleries up front. 

Having visited Moab, Utah several times to shoot Arches National Park, I was looking for something fresh. That led me to the spectacular, affordable Red Cliffs Lodge. For the same cost as a generic chain hotel, you can support this hidden gem. About half-way between Denver and Phoenix, the lodge is nestled right on the Colorado River about 17 miles from Moab. The 35-mile-long valley it sits in is one of the most spectacular settings you could ever hope to photograph anywhere in the world. These were taken in early November. Let me know what you think. 




(Eichler Photos) photography https://www.eichlerphotos.com/blog/2018/11/welcome Sun, 25 Nov 2018 19:19:54 GMT